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2023 LeadingAge Kansas Spring Conference
Thursday, April 13, 2023, 8:00 AM to Friday, April 14, 2023, 5:00 PM CST
Category: Education/Training

2023 LeadingAge Kansas Spring Conference and Expo

Hotel Information
Hyatt Regency Century II | 400 W. Waterman | Wichita, KS 67202

Room Block
LeadingAge Kansas has arranged for a block of sleeping rooms at the Hyatt Regency, 400 W. Waterman, Wichita, KS 67202. A special room rate of $129 per night, is available when you mention LeadingAge Kansas Spring Conference & Expo. To qualify for this special rate, you must make reservations by 3/24/2023. If you need additional assistance or would prefer to reserve by phone, please call the Hyatt Regency’s registration line at (316) 293-1234.

Click Here to Reserve Your Room

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Thursday April 13, 2023 

7:30-7:50 AM | Registration 

8:00-9:30 AM | Keynote | Del Gilbert | Overwhelmed to Overflowing: 3 Ways to Make Your Life Better and Make You Better at Life | Location: TBD | CE 1.5 (Admin)
We are meant to live a life of flourishing. In this session you will learn how to thrive by embracing the ‘Growth Mindset,’ how to enhance your ‘Generosity Gene’ through the Abundance Mindset, and to increase your resilience by responding rather than reacting to life events. You are sure to find this session practical and inspirational.

9:40-10:30 AM | Breakouts 

  • Title: Employee Accountability: How to Address Problems Behaviors and Attitudes | Presenter: Del Gilbert, Accelerating Excellence | CE 1.0 (Admin)

    One person can’t make a team, but one person can break a team. Poor performers have a negative effect on an organization’s work culture and reputation. Using Del’s D-I-R-E-C-T Model of Corrective Feedback, you will learn a step-by-step approach to handling difficult conversations with competence and confidence.

  • Title: A Path for Psychotropic Reduction Success | Presenters: Amy Siple, NP,  Aaron Kelley and Team Members from Prairie Sunset Home | CE 1.0 (RC) 

    Achieving and sustaining psychotropic stewardship has never been more important. Many obstacles make this a difficult goal to sustain. Prairie Home Sunset in Pretty Prairie Kansas has achieved tremendous success in this area. Their dynamic and engaging team will share strategies for success through a panel discussion with Q&A.

  • Title: Immigration and the Aging Services Workforce | Presenter: Ruth Katz, LeadingAge | CE 1.0 (Admin)           
    Workforce challenges are on everyone’s mind, and everyone is seeking solutions.  This session will explore the role immigration might play in the solution.  The LeadingAge IMAGINE proposal and data about foreign workers and programs to assist with hiring them will be explored.  The session will also include information on integration of refuges.  Come be part of this workforce conversation with LeadingAge National’s Ruth Katz. 

  • Title: Person-Centered Care During Challenging Times: An Open Conversation | Presenter: Laci Cornelison, PEAK 2.0 | CE 1.0 (Admin.)

    COVID outbreaks, short staffing, rigorous regulatory environment, high resident acuity, and more. How do homes advance and maintain person-centered care practices in this long-term care environment? Join us for an open conversation about these hard topics, learn from one another, and gather some best practices.

  • Title: Resident and Staff Safety Through Technology | Presenters: Jake Strecker & Nick Strecker, INA Alert | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
    Come listen to Jake Strecker and Nick Strecker speak on how technology can help to keep your residents and staff safe through technology.  Making your facility conducive to productivity and greatly reduces any instance where safety or productivity are negatively affected.  You will walk away with knowledge of how technology keeps residents and staff safe and secure in your facility, how technology can provide time and cost savings, how technology can make your facility more efficient and the latest advances in technology for your facility. Jake and Nick will provide real world examples and demonstrations of the technology.

 10:40 -11:30 AM | Breakouts - See session descriptions above. 

  • Title: Employee Accountability: How to Address Problems Behaviors and Attitudes | Presenter: Del Gilbert, Accelerating Excellence | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
  • Title: A Path for Psychotropic Reduction Success | Presenters: Amy Siple, NP, Aaron Kelley and Team Members from Prairie Sunset Home | CE 1.0 (RC)
  • Title: Immigration and the Aging Services Workforce | Presenter: Ruth Katz, LeadingAge | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
  • Title: Person-Centered Care During Challenging Times: An Open Conversation | Presenter: Laci Cornelison, PEAK 2.0 | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
  • Title: Resident and Staff Safety Through Technology | Presenters: Jake Strecker & Nick Strecker, INA Alert | CE 1.0 (Admin.)

11:30 AM-1:30 PM | Expo Time and Networking Lunch | Location: Convention Hall | 2.0 CE (Elective)
1:40-2:30 PM |General Session | Amy Siple | Enhancing Your Influence | Location: Convention Hall | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
2:30-3:20 PM | Expo time (prizes at 3:00) | Location: Convention Hall | CE 1.0 (Elective)
3:40-4:30 PM | General Session | Title: Updates from the Capital Cities | Ruth Katz, LeadingAge & Rachel Monger, LeadingAge Kansas CE 1.0 (Admin.)
5:00-6:30 PM | Mix and Mingle

Friday April 14, 2023  

8:00-8:50 AM | Business Meeting | Rachel Monger, LeadingAge Kansas | CE 1.0 (Admin.) 
9:00--9:50 AM | General Session | Title: Conflict Management Workshop Pt. 1 | Presenter:   Del Gilbert | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
10:00-10:50 MA| General Session – Title: Conflict Management Workshop Pt. 2 | Presenter:   Del Gilbert | CE 1.0 (Admin.)

11:00-11:50 AM | Breakouts 

  • Title: Service Excellence: How to Deliver a Great Customer Experience | Presenter: Del Gilbert, Accelerating Excellence | CE 1.0 (Admin.)

    Customer service today is hit or miss. Some team members deliver excellent service and others don’t. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Your goal is to create an environment where every team member provides exceptional service. In this session, you will learn 7 best practices in building a culture of service excellence.

  • Title: Keep Calm and Compliance On Compliance Basics and Beyond | Presenter: Brooke Bennett-Aziere, Foulston Siefkin, LLP | CE 1.0 (Admin)
    With the governments stepped-up enforcement initiatives, there is no better time to make sure your compliance program is up to snuff. This presentation will start with the basics by providing a review of the Office of Inspector Generals (OIG) seven elements to operating an effective compliance program. This presentation will also provide a more in-depth discussion of specific OIG compliance program elements with a focus on key risk areas, including, auditing, documentation, compliance reporting structures, outsourced providers, social media, background checks, and training. This presentation will cover the recent updates to the Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for Long-Term Care Facilities as they relate to the new requirements for compliance and ethic programs and training requirements and how they intersect with the OIG requirements.

  • Title: Prepare for the Updated Minimum Data Set (MDS) Changes | Presenter: Deb Emerson, CLA | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
    In the fall of 2022, CMS released the draft version of the Minimum Data Set (MDS) version 1.18.11. The updated MDS will be used for both SNF PPS and OBRA assessments and are scheduled to be effective October 1, 2023. This session will cover the significant changes and the impact for facilities.

  • Title: Should I Stay, or Should I go: What to Do With my SNF | Presenter: Andy Edeburn, Elder Dynamics | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
    There’s no doubt about it nursing homes is still struggling out of Covid, and many organizations are starting to wonder out loud if they should stay in the business or perhaps change course. It’s not an easy decision. This session will examine the current and near-term SNF industry macro-trends and outline issues and operational realities at play around downsizing, rightsizing, or exiting. We will additionally discuss efforts in this area that other organizations have recently deployed and suggest a framework for aging services organizations to evaluate their current state and explore a path forward.
  • Title: End-of-Life Care: Transitioning from Curative to Comfort  | Presenter: Myla Weakland | CE 1.0 (Admin.)

    Long-Term Care facilities are increasingly becoming important sites for providing terminal care with or without the help of a hospice or palliative care team. In this session we will look at integrated practices available to all care providers, and easily adaptive skills to provide holistic, meaningful support to those in our care at end of life.

Noon-12:50 PM | King lunch (No CE) | Lunch & Learn Discussion Tables CE .5 (Admin.)  

1:00-1:50 PM | Breakouts - See session descriptions above.

  • Title: Service Excellence: How to Deliver a Great Customer Experience | Presenter: Del Gilbert | Location: TBD | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
  • Title: Keep Calm and Compliance On Compliance Basics and Beyond | Presenter: Brooke Bennett-Aziere, Foulston Siefkin, LLP | Location: TBD | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
  • Title: Prepare for the Updated Minimum Data Set (MDS) Changes | Presenter: Deb Emerson, CLA | Location: TBD | CE 1.0 (Admin.) 
  • Title: Should I Stay, or Should I go: What to Do With my SNF | Presenter: Andy Edeburn, Elder Dynamics | Location: TBD | CE 1.0 (Admin.)
  • Title: End-of-Life Care: Transitioning from Curative to Comfort  | Presenter: Myla Weakland | CE 1.0 (Admin.)

 2:00-2:50 PM | Closing Keynote | Title: Courageous Leadership-Living a Life of Influence  | Presenter: Announcement Coming Soon!  | Location: TBD | CE 1.0 (Admin)


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From the approved hours you can receive up to 15.0 hours of continuing education clock hours as a Licensed Adult Care Home Administrator, Adult Care Home Operator or Dietitian in the cores of Administration/Resident Care. The 2023 Spring Conference and Expo is approved for up to 31.0 continuing education clock hours for Licensed Adult Care Home Administrators, Adult Care Home Operators and Dietitians by the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services with 26 hours approved in the core of Administration and 2 hours possible in the core of Resident Care. Provider number (LTS A0009). If the entire conference is attended an additional 3 elective hours will be awarded.

LeadingAge Kansas is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for up to 12.0 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN elicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number: LT0102-1116.

*All other disciplines will receive a certification of attendance.
*Continuing education hours are subject to change.

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